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Wildlife on Kangaroo Island
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish
Located just off the coast of South Australia, Kangaroo Island is a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, where wildlife roams and stunning landscapes wait to be explored. From up-close animal encounters to exciting sand dune adventures, there is so much to do for families with kids of
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish

Gutsy festival wine tasting
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish
Nestled off the southern coast of Australia, Kangaroo Island is a nature lover’s paradise with incredible views of sweeping coastlines and rugged cliff faces. While it’s known for its pristine beaches, diverse wildlife, and gorgeous landscapes, the island also draws tourists with a calendar brimming with unique festivals. From the exhilarating Kangaroo Island Cup Carnival that kicks off the year to the energetic Off Tap Music Festival, they bring together locals and visitors alike. Here’s your guide through Kangaroo Island's festivals.
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish

Hiking with kangaroos!
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish
Calling all hiking enthusiasts! Kangaroo Island, a paradise just off the coast of South Australia, is beckoning you. Renowned for its pristine landscapes, diverse wildlife, and stunning views, this island is a haven for outdoor adventurers.
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish

Kangaroo Island Honeymoon
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish
If you’re looking to escape into nature on your honeymoon, there’s no better destination than Kangaroo Island, just off the mainland of South Australia. More than a third of the island is made up of nature reserves just waiting to be explored, housing plenty of native wildlife, including sea lions, koalas and an array of majestic birds.
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish

Dudley Wine
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish
Your summertime paradise awaits at Kangaroo Island, a jewel off the coast of South Australia, beckoning travellers seeking a break from the ordinary. This island paradise caters to nature lovers, adventurers, and anyone yearning for sun-soaked relaxation. January, smack dab in the middle of the Australian summer, might be the perfect time for your visit.
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish

Arkaba homestead
Jenny Power
Jenny Power
In search of historic towns, dramatic coastlines, world-class wineries, ancient forests full of snoozing koalas all framed by craggy mountains in hues of pink and ochre? Look no further, South Australia has it all plus some of the best high-end accommodation options in the country.
Jenny Power
Jenny Power

Flinders Chase at sunset
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish
Surrounded by calm waters and stunning sunsets, Kangaroo Island is the perfect destination for romance and adventure. Known for its natural beauty, this welcoming place offers a unique blend of rugged coastlines, untouched wilderness and exquisite wildlife, creating the perfect backdrop for love to blossom. Here, away from the busyness of the city, couples can immerse themselves in hidden gems and lasting memories that will stay with them for years to come. Whether it's walking hand-in-hand along secluded beaches, watching the playfulness of local wildlife, or sampling the island's culinary delights, let's explore what makes this destination the perfect romantic getaway.
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish

Kangaroo Island
Alexandra Diethelm
Alexandra Diethelm
Seven times the size of Singapore! And just over a handful of people who live there permanently! That’s Kangaroo Island (KI, as the locals call it). Next to the giant landmass that is the Australian mainland, Kangaroo Island looks a lot smaller than it really is. Australia’s third-largest island, KI is best known for its wildlife and has a rep of a true nature playground.  There are just so many amazing things to do in Kangaroo Island. Read on to find the best activities for your visit.
Alexandra Diethelm
Alexandra Diethelm

Sandboarding Little Sahara, Kangaroo Island
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish
Nestled off the coast of South Australia, Kangaroo Island offers up a world of natural beauty and adventure, making it an ideal destination for families seeking a little thrill and a lot of relaxation. Known for its diverse wildlife, stunning landscapes, and friendly locals, there’s so much to see and do.
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish

KI in winter
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish
Nestled off the coast of South Australia, Kangaroo Island is a perfect winter retreat with mild temperatures and fewer crowds. Enjoy dewy mornings, crisp skies, and abundant wildlife, including sea lions at Seal Bay and nocturnal possums. Explore local galleries and studios showcasing creative works inspired by the island’s natural beauty, and savor winter menus featuring fresh seafood and artisan cheeses. Here are some top activities to enjoy on Kangaroo Island in winter.
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish

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