8-14 Day Group Australian Itineraries

8 to 14 Day Itineraries
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Rental Vehicle
8 Days
100% Customisable

Wildlife abounds in Tasmania - with world class experiences to observe some of these endemic species at close range. In the Tamar be astounded by the daytime activities of platypus and echnida, watch rafts of Little Blue Penguins come ashore. Enjoy being out on the water at Freycinet and the Tasman Peninsula and marvel at the abundance of gannets, albatross, sea eagles and maybe even a pod of dolphins. The Tasmanian Devils at the marvellous Unzoo will be a highlight.

From $1294
per person (based on a family of 4, low season)

Pricing terms

The price is based on current exchange rates but is only an approximation. Please contact us for a final price